BK and Spence

Adventures of Beardy's Shoe and BK

Sunday, October 22, 2006

By now I am beginning to realize that fate just does not want me to see James Blunt and his band again. Let me explain…

I live in northern Indiana, right smack dab between Chicago and Detroit, and directly north of Indianapolis by about 4 hours. So I’m surrounded by James' concert venues, but none close enough for a one day trip.

I had been begging friends and family to come along with me to a concert, when my best friend Kathy told me about her pal Clarence. She told met that Clarence was a very good guy, and would do whatever it took to get me to Detroit by Friday night. Yippee!!!!! Boy, was I a happy camper!

Early Friday morning there was a knock at my door – an lo and behold, there was a fantastically fit shoe sporting a British accent, exclaiming, “HI BK! I’m Spence!” I quickly coddled the leathery wonder, but couldn’t help notice he was quite smaller than I had expected – about a size 9? In previous stories, other boardies had mentioned Spence’s mighty size – but then I wondered if they might have been talking about something else…??

But my fears were allayed as there was a white tag hanging off the side that said, ‘I’m Beardy’s”. So, that put my suspicions to rest.

As Spence and I headed downtown to find Clarence, we popped into a music store in SHIP-SHOE-WANA, Indiana (I was hoping madly that Spence would serenade me with a little “Wise Men” while in the music store, but to my chagrin, he was not a bit interested in viewing the instruments, much less wanting to play a few bars!?!? Hrumph!)

Spence thought these were mandolins!


We finally made it to the address Kathy had given me, but instead of glee, I was horror stricken!

Clarence was not in a vehicle, but was in his Amish buggy being pulled by Sam, the horse! He was “Old Order Amish”– they do NOT drive motor vehicles! Oh NO!!! In my heart I knew we’d never make it.

As I looked around for an alternative source of transportation, all I could find were more buggies! OH NO!

I then explained to Clarence how important it was to me and all my boardie friends that this shoe arrive in Detroit by no later than 8pm, to be reunited with its owner, Beardy.

Clarence said he completely understood my situation - and that sweet man told me he’d do his very best to get us there... And that Sam had just gotten new SHOES that would help keep him in the center of the road!

(I'm not making that part up...lol)

So, Spence and I hopped in the utlra-plush (blue velour) coach, and off we clip-clopped through the Amish countryside… on our way to Detroit!

Spence was very impressed by the miles and miles of corn fields... and said corn was one of his favorite foods. (I didn't think Brits liked corn? Weird)

When we passed the Lake Park Soccer Fields, Spence got all excited and started talking about how he loved to play soccer...and his soccer uniform back home...it was all "soccer this" and "soccer that".... SOCCER?? Wouldn't he be calling it "football"???

Suddenly I realized.....THIS WAS NOT SPENCE!!!!!

This "Shoe" was an IMPOSTER! I told Clarence to IMMEDIATLEY turn the buggy around, and we hoofed it back to ShipSHOEwana.

The imposter shoe finally apologized, and told me his real name was Floyd, and that he used the tag to avoid detection. He said he was from Goshen, a radical James Blunt fan, and was desperate to attend his concert -- and would do whatever it took to get there!

I was FUMING mad...but then my thoughts shifted - "OH MY GOD!!!??? WHERE'S SPENCE???????"

Clarence was very gracious, and took me all the way to my doorstep...where I found a cold and shivering Spence, scared and all alone....

After throwing Floyd out the window, I sat the REAL Spence on the velvety seat inside the coach, and then Clarence, Sam, Spence and I were on our way once again...

But now it was VERY late... Detriot was out of the question, but maybe we could still make the show in Indianapolis????

Spence then mentioned that he'd never visited Amish country, and politely asked if we could stop and get some ShipSHOEwana souvenirs. When I heard his lovely British accent, I just melted...

Anything for Spence. ;)

First stop was to chat with some Hoosier ladies ;)

And then off to buy few ShipSHOEwana T-Shirts....

I then told Spence that if we ever expected to make it to Indy, we'd really needed to get moving...

And so Clarence loaded him up in the wagon

At that point, Spence mumbled something like, "...this isn't exactly what I meant by getting back on the bandwagon..."

Not sure what he meant by that.

For hours we trotted along the Indiana back roads, meandering our way through endless farmland, making small progress toward Indianapolis.

Some farms were big and some were small...

The only traffic along the way were of the four-legged kind...things were looking bleak...

Even the commercial vehicles had a top speed of only 4 miles per hour...

Spence mentioned that he was impressed with how much "pig food" we grew out here....

Spence said everything felt "homey", and that he could live out here...besides, those might even be his relatives...

I laughed hard when Spence asked if these were "leprechaun horses". LOL

Sadly, Clarence informed us that Sam had run all he could that day, and would need to bed down for the night...

The best place we could find was an old dairy farm...

It was heartbreaking to realize that this was the end of the road - we weren't going to make it in time.

The only hope to reuniting Spence with Beardy was to somehow make it to Chicago.

Clarence came up with a plan...

He said that farmer Bontrager owned some harness racing horses that were the fastest in the entire state.

So the next morning, I gave Spence a kiss and wished him luck and watched as he was whisked down the road in brother Bontrager's wagon on their way to Chicago..

Lady Linda is waiting at the other end...

Let's all hope that Linda will be successful in reuniting Spence and Beardy once and for all!


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